Thursday, September 6, 2007

the opening act.

gua nge-blog.
haha finally eh?

my first post. masi bingung mau nulis apa. hehe.

maybe i just realized how many things ive forgotten in my life. memang saya pelupa. tapi sekarang bisa saya tulis disini dulu sebelum lupa, hehee. i want to remember as much as i can, buat dibaca 10 taun lagi misalnya, asiiik xD

i like reading other people blogs.
it reflects so much personality menurut gua, can be entertaining, thought-provoking, inspiring, even boring.
yang keren ato kampungan sekalipun hihi

then to improve my writing skill. yang ini nih..
halah, iya tau bikin paper sama nulis blog beda jauh. but still, this might do some good to me, or not :p

oh im soo officially a blogger now, kyaaha

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