Tuesday, December 11, 2007

still, the songs are lovely

dua lagu yang sedang menjadi soundtrack saya belakangan ini. gila dah acid house mantapss

"say yes if you love me
no if you don't care
peace if you're asking me not to be there."

"this heart is a stone
, no one will ever break it.
this heart is a stone, close to you it breaks easily.
coz everything that they say tells me to go away.
but everything that I feel, tells me to stay."

For now, only for a while.. i dont care, i choose to say yes and stay.
oh yes some love has no sense. no brain. no pride. nothing. fuck.
i just hope the karma will not slap me in the face later on.
kampret. cukuplah curhat colongannya.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Maknyus deh lagunya