Sunday, September 16, 2007

ode to my family

i wish i had my laptop everywhere.
banyak banget hal yg muncul tibatiba dan tak beraturan di tmpat yg tak terduga, dan begitu gua uda siap mencurahkannya di blog ini, di depan monitor they all just gone. whoosh.
mo dikit2 nyatet juga males de. hoho yaudala..

you don't always get what you want, but apparently you'll get what you need.
i feel this a lot lately. then again, i said to myself, to embrace what i have instead of thinking about things i dont have, yet :)

last night i miss my family more than ever. these regrets of what i did, and didnt do to them back then keep coming in my mind.

understand the things I say,
don't turn away from me,

'cause I've spent half my life out there, you wouldn't disagree.

do you see me? do you like me?

do you like me standing there? do you notice?

do you know?

does anyone care?

unhappiness where's when I was young,
and we didn't give a damn,

'cause we were raised,

to see life as fun and take it if we can.

my mother,

she hold me, when I was out there.

my father,

he liked me, oh, he liked me. Does anyone care?

understand what I've become, it wasn't my design.
and people everywhere think, something better than I am.

but I miss you, I miss, 'cause I liked it,

'cause I liked it, when I was out there. do you know this?

do you know you did not find me. you did not find me

1 comment:

Unknown said...

bebi ayoo ngepost lagii